Antler, Horn and Tusk (AHT) Competition
NZDA has long measured and recorded trophy heads using the Douglas Score and NZDA systems. Every year the best heads taken locally are measured on a dedicated Branch night.
2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020
Detailed National rules can be found HERE
The following categories of big game animal are accepted for entry:
- Wapiti or Fiordland Deer
- Red deer
- Sika
- Fallow
- Rusa
- Sambar
- Whitetail
- Wild Sheep
- Tahr
- Chamois
- Wild goat
- Pig tusks - drawn
- Pig tusks - undrawn
Our members often take a camera when out hunting and can enter their photos in the following categories:
- Game animals
- Birds
- Mammals
- Insects, Reptiles and Amphibians
- Scenic
- Flora
- Human Interest
The following film categories are open for entry:
- Training and promotional
- Hunting
- New Zealand wildlife
The 2025 Antler Horn and Tusk Competition for the Nelson Branch will be held between May and July of 2025.
In the meantime get out there, take amazing photos, collect stories of adventures and if you are lucky - shoot a trophy animal.
Photographic & Literary entries are also part of this competition and can be submitted using the link found below.
Basic rules as follows:
- You must be a paid up financial member of the Nelson Branch to enter
- Trophy must be present on the night - hunter not required
- Trophies need to be well cleaned and fit to be presented, skull only, not taxidermied
- Animals need to be taken after the 25th July 2023 and you MUST have been a financial member at the time of taking.
- No thermals or spotlighted animals or paid for access, animal to be free range
- Late entries will not be accepted.
Photographic Competition
**Limit is 3 photos per category - e.g 3 photos entered into "Hunting Memories" category. Complete a separate form for each category**
- Images are taken by the financial member submitting
- Images are not doctored or superimposed in anyway subsequent to taking
- Videos are not to be edited or dubbed by other persons
Judges have provided the following guidelines for what they are looking for in each category:
- Tantrum Cup - Wildlife Game Animals - Live animal shots capturing the individual animal and its species unique characteristics
- Worsley - Stalking Country - Outstanding hunting country and vistas
- Livingston Cup - Native Birds - Live bird shots capturing the individual animal and its species unique characteristics
- Hunting Memories - Moments during the Hunt that you found special and will appeal to other hunters - not pictures of you with your animal killed
- Tex Stratford Memorial Trophy - Under 18 - Outstanding photos that apply to other categories but are taken by our next generation of hunters and shooters
- Other wildlife mammals - Live animals such as sea lion etc that do not fall under game animals, insects, reptiles or birds
- Other wildlife insects + reptiles - as above live animal shots
- Flora - vegetation, moss, plants that capture your interest
- Bob Baigent Memorial Cup - (DVD/Video) - Video submissions for those YouTube enthusiasts amongst us - please send the link to
2023 AHT & Photographic Club Night
Literary entries are also welcome for the national competition. Please "Contact us" to find out more.