Nelson Branch
The Nelson branch was formed in post war New Zealand and incorporated in 1948. See our historic photos to get a sense of life as a member back then.
We meet on the last Tuesday of the month for Club nights and boast a growing membership now in the hundreds.
The Branch boasts two assets in Packers Creek Range and Red Deer Lodge in St Arnaud.
Nelson is situated in the heart of some of New Zealand's best hunting including the Cobb Valley, Nelson Lakes and Marlborough. Nelson/Tasman is also the gateway to Murchison and the Northern West Coast. These areas represent more wilderness public land hunting than you could ever hunt in one lifetime.
From Nelson our members have access to a variety of game including chamois, wild pigs, red deer, fallow deer, goats, rabbits and possums.
We are active, enthusiastic and approachable Branch with a passionate and diligent committee of volunteers that give their time to promote and protect hunting and shooting interest in the Nelson/Tasman region.
Get in touch on the "Contact Us" tab or click "Join Now".
About NZDA
Formed in 1937, the New Zealand Deerstalkers' Association is New Zealand's recognised National body representing and speaking for hunters generally.
The fundamental aim of the association is to ensure that the organisation and management of recreational hunting in New Zealand is carried out by hunters.
Our Mission:
"retain, enhance and create opportunities for the enjoyment of legitimate recreational hunting and the sport of shooting, for the members of the Association"
Shop for NZDA merchandise HERE.
Principle activities of the NZDA
- Advocacy on behalf of New Zealand's hunters and shooters
- The promotion of hunting as a legitimate recreational pursuit
- The promotion of running target, scoped rifle, & benchrest shooting
- The promotion of sensible, effective, legislation on firearms ownership
- The publication a quarterly magazine, "New Zealand Hunting & Wildlife"
- The promotion of effective hunter education through the HUNTS programme
- The collection of data, and publication of the New Zealand Big Game Trophy Record Book